How PR pros invented content marketing
It dates back to the newsletters and sales slicks of years past, but that doesn’t mean PR has to have sole ownership of content.

Remember 40 years ago when PR practitioners delivered old-school newsletters and sales slicks? That was the advent of content marketing. Many years and lots of technology upgrades later, content marketing and public relations seem to have drifted apart, taking on identities of their own. However, a great public relations practitioner knows content marketing like the back of their hand. She understands that it takes 7 to 13 touch points for a client to get a qualified sales lead, and that it is their job to lead that proverbial horse to water. How does said practitioner get this done? Why, through content, of course.
Today, brand-generated content is more important than ever, as business-to-business and business-to-customer buyers scour the Internet for information, reviews and credibility. The key to a successful content marketing campaign is to understand its true meaning as well as how to strategically approach it.
Content marketing vs. public relations
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