How to get PR clients to answers your questions

Ever get passed around when you call a client looking for an answer. The author has some advice for finding one (or maybe two) long-term contacts.

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Sometimes it’s not always that easy.

You know those clients who tend to pass off communicating with you like one of those wedding games you play to win the centerpiece? The person who usually wins the centerpiece doesn’t really want it, and the guest sitting two seats over is giving you the stink eye because you had the napkin in your hand when the music stopped.

That’s kind of like when the person you end up speaking with knows nothing about your account, and you look over to your cube mate and roll your eyes so hard you practically fall off of the chair.

Now, it’s time to get off of that chair, get on the altar and get that client to commit to one main contact. OK, maybe two contacts if that’s what you’re into.

Here’s how to snag a long term contact:

Put on the charm

The nicer you are when you call your client, the more the person is going to enjoy talking with you. The more he or she enjoys it, the more likely it that person will answer the phone the next time you call. Imagine that!

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