How to nail your next Instagram campaign
The popular image-sharing platform is a powerful tool for marketers looking to retarget online visitors and develop new audiences. Here are some important points to consider.

If everyone else is doing it, does that mean the tactic is a good fit for your organization?
With advertising income on Instagram on track to reach almost 11 billion dollars, it seems almost a no-brainer for any small business to at least consider running an Instagram campaign.
Yet, there is a right way and a wrong way to handle your Instagram marketing strategy.
With visual perception being the key focus of Instagram since its inception, there simply is no better place to showcase your stunning content online. More than three-quarters of Instagram users reportedly search for brands that can satisfy their need for visual stimulation.
More than half of those surveyed report finding new products as a direct result of Instagram marketing. Therefore, getting the “visual vibe” of your Instagram feed right is half the battle.
When designing an Instagram strategy, consider the following:
1. Brand awareness
While it is important for an ad to be seen as often as possible, it is also important for it to be memorable enough for users that they can easily recall your brand. This is an inherent strength for Instagram. It shows content again and again until users are familiar with the aesthetic of a particular organization.
2. A human call to action
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Tags: Instagram, social media marketing