If your blog was a beer …
Here’s a frothy comparison between brews of various types and their written counterparts. Bear in mind, an enticing head is just the beginning.
It’s a coincidence, but we consume blogs and beers at about the same rate.
Each week, the average American has 4.2 drinks and reads 4.1 blogs (sources: Gallup, Hubspot).
So if your blog was a beer, what kind would it be?
Every blog has a flavor. Like beers, some blogs are light and some are heavy.
Some have a lot of flavor; others don’t. Let’s explore this ridiculous metaphor, and imagine your blog in a pint glass…
The light beer
The basic lager. The domestic microbrew. Labels may vary, but the taste is pretty much the same. Often found in red plastic cups. Some people love Miller Lite. They’re brand loyal, just like some of your readers. But taste your last few posts. Do they read like a lot of other blogs? Could they have been written by anyone?
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