In email pitch, PR pro tries Weiner hook—and succeeds (mostly)
Read the pitch that was so shameless it landed on two blogs, with congratulations for a job well done from the bloggers.

ProtectedPix seems to be.
The company, which offers a secure website in which users can share pictures under the cloak of privacy, sent a pitch tied to “Weinergate” that won coverage on two political blogs.
Here’s the pitch:
Along with any coverage you might be planning around the Anthony Weiner photos, I thought you might have interest in featuring this item. It is particularly timely as June is National Internet Safety Month.
ProtectedPix is a private photo sharing website that allows users to have control over their digital photos, offering a safe way to share pictures and protecting their privacy and reputation. This new service keeps images from being captured, reducing the risk that they will be shared with unexpected people or used for unintended purposes.
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