In Forbes column, PR pro defends Burson-Marsteller (sort of)
Enough with the righteous indignation. Campaigns similar to what B-M did on behalf of Facebook happen ‘quite a bit,’ says this PR practitioner.
One PR professional is calling bullsh*t over the “righteous indignation”
“What was most astounding about the situation?” Aaron Perlut asked in a column for Forbes. “To me, it has been how incredibly hypocritical many in the PR industry continue to behave in condemning Burson’s behavior.”
Last week, the media outed B-M in what’s been called “Whisper-Gate“—the firm’s attempt to smear Google on behalf of its former client Facebook.
B-M’s actions were not that unusual, he explained.
“The reality is that if you’ve worked in a public affairs or corporate issues/reputation PR practice, then more than likely, you or one of your colleagues has participated in something similar at one time or another.
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