Infographic: 60 percent of Facebookers set a relationship status—do you?
This infographic reveals the effects the social network has on all of our personal relationships. It doesn’t look good.
Like the paparazzi, your friends are snapping embarrassing picture that you may or may not remember, exploiting those photos for a payoff rich in commentary. And that’s not to mention the overabundance of shared stories and links.
But the closest link between the social network and the latest issues of Us Weekly and National Enquirer has to be the public airing of relationship news, gossip, hook-ups, and break-ups.
According to this infographic, about 60 percent of Facebook users set a relationship status to their profile, of which 24 percent are listed as “in a relationship,” 5 percent are “engaged,” and 31 percent married.
And while we’re so quick to broadcast our personal affairs, has anyone ever questioned how these constant updates might be affecting their relationships?
Think about it.
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