Lowe’s boosts Pinterest following by 30 percent via Facebook
The home-improvement store chain put a Pinterest tab on its Facebook page, and its Pinterest presence grew substantially.
On March 1, the company added a Pinterest tab to its Facebook page, becoming the first major retailer to link the two sites in that way. The tab features a few Pinterest boards, and users have the option of repinning photos to Pinterest without ever leaving Facebook.
It’s paid off handsomely. According to The Realtime Report, the company has seen a 32 percent increase in its Pinterest following and up to a 60 percent increase in the number of followers for boards featured on the Facebook tab.
“Our Facebook page is a place to exchange and share ideas, so the integration is a natural fit to those already interested in Lowe’s,” says Brad Walters, director of social media at Lowe’s. “The integration also allows us to instantly provide visually appealing content to our Facebook fans without them having to bounce between the two social networks.”
Is a Pinterest tab right for every brand, though? Like Lowe’s, you’ve got to have a strategy, experts say.
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