Meryl Streep and 9 other suggestions for Romney’s V.P.
She has a way with Oscar voters. Plus, tips to the perfect résumé hook, Twitter’s new headquarters, stripes officially make you look fat, nine things never to do on LinkedIn, Dunkin’ Donuts exploits the summer solstice, and more.
If you ask Mitt Romney’s handlers about his potential running mate, they might tell you the GOP nominee is vetting Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. Ask again, and they’ll likely name former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. To help ease the burden of this weighty decision, Funny or Die shared its list of 10 possible V.P. contenders the GOP candidate perhaps overlooked. Sure, Meryl Streep might seem far-fetched, but she already has Oscar voters. And need I remind you of the Republican’s party’s last selection?
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