Nashville steakhouse slammed over treatment of cancer patient
A brouhaha arose when the man put on a beanie to keep warm. Members of his party took to Yelp to tell their versions of the story.

When his family mentioned his condition and questioned the treatment from Catrina, the assistant manager, they were told he could wear it if he presented a doctors’ note… or if we had given them previous notice so we could be accommodated elsewhere.
Members of the group started complaining about the request for a doctor’s note. What happened after that isn’t entirely clear. Some reports say the group started to leave on its own and the police were simply present; others say the police showed up to escort them out. Either way, it’s bad news for Morton’s, particularly the Nashville location. The restaurant’s Yelp page is loaded with one-star reviews posted Monday, specifically about the incident. It appears to have put a serious dent in its rating.
Facebook isn’t much better. He’s an example of the type of comments being left on the Morton’s page: “After reading what happened to the cancer patient at your Nashville restaurant, nothing on your page looks appetizing.” Morton’s posted this message to the page Sunday evening:
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