Netflix transforms diners countrywide to promote ‘Gilmore Girls’
To help entice streamers to view its upcoming continuation of the once-popular television show, the organization took to the streets. Fans of the brand—and show turned out in masses.

Netflix has displayed experiential marketing at its finest.
The streaming service turned more than 200 greasy spoon restaurants across the country into Luke’s Diner, the go-to grub spot in the show “Gilmore Girls.” It’s part of the company’s effort to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the show’s debut.
Vogue details the promotion, which took place on Wednesday:
So if you ever wanted to pretend that you live in Stars Hollow, this is your big chance. Each coffee shop is decked out in replicated paraphernalia from the show—from ‘Luke’s Diner’ signs outside to the occasional ‘No cell phones’ warning indoors. Coffee is also free for the first couple hundred customers. Just be sure to look past the quotes from the show that appear on the cups—under some coffee sleeves there will be a message announcing that you’ve won free Netflix service for a period of time.
Lines were predictably long. Some in Chicago reported an hour-and-a-half wait.
“Gilmore Girls” devotees didn’t seem to mind.
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