New campaign hounds dog owners to pick up after their pets
‘Their booty is your duty.’ Plus, a new Tumblr is out to discover which agencies offer the best free food, the ‘Honey Boo Boo’ name generator, Randy Newman gets political—and racist, awkward cameos by Silicon Valley leaders, and more.
Seems duty-free isn’t just the dream of travelers anymore. It’s also that of Brent Thelen Design’s “Dog Poo Mercenaries” who organized a new campaign to assail those “sh*tty” dog owners in the neighborhood to pick up after man’s best friend. “Their booty is your duty,” after all, so do your part and respect the sidewalk. (via The Des Moines Egotist)
Meanwhile, copywriter Deanna Director is on a mission to discover what agencies offer the best free food through #HungryCreatives, a new Tumblr photo project.
Speaking of new Tumblr accounts, before Jay Cutler takes to the field with the Chicago Bears this weekend, enjoy taking to Smokin’ Jay Cutler, described as a site “dedicated to the most apathetic looking athlete in the history of sports.”
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