New platform helps Web editors better manage their sites
If you’re running a website or blog for your company—or if you’re the editor of a news site—Kapost can help you organize, measure, and plan your content strategy.

Whether it’s a brand journalism website or a more familiar news site, online editors grapple with how they can communicate with writers (who often work remotely), edit their copy, measure the reach of their stories, and make sure they get paid.
A new publishing platform called Kapost aims to remedy that situation.
Rather than tracking various contributing writers, their story ideas, submitted articles, and compensation on numerous spreadsheets or calendars, Kapost enables editors to manage everything from its easy-to-use Web interface.
Kapost is a dream tool for many Web editors, and several media companies—including Consumer Reports, Fortune, Discovery Channel, and Federated Media— are already using it.
Let’s take a closer look at the platform.
Kapost for Web editors
Rather than sorting through and organizing information about a site’s contributing writers, editors can assemble all the administrative and editorial information in Kapost, freeing up more time to think strategically about content, audience, and objectives.
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