Patriots fight back against NFL ruling with ‘Deflategate truth’ blog, appeal
The team is not going quietly into the night, recently publishing a blog refuting the league’s claims. Tom Brady also appealed his suspension.
The league continues to wade through the backlash from fans and the New England Patriots regarding the never-ending controversy known as “deflategate.” If you don’t already know the backstory, let’s play catch-up.
In January, New England Patriots quarterback and international superstar Tom Brady was found to be using footballs that appeared to have been deflated. This launched a series of bizarre press conferences that featured Brady and coach Bill Belichick.
The league launched an absurdly comprehensive investigation, which was led by attorney Ted Wells. Based on the 243-page Wells Report the NFL found that Brady was “generally aware” that a locker room attendant “probably” deflated the footballs.
The NFL suspended Brady for four games in the upcoming season, and the Patriots and fans alike went nuts. That’s when NFL vice president of operations Troy Vincent, who levied the punishment, went on a conference call to passionately defend the league’s stance.
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