Please, stop misusing ‘I could care less’
The ubiquitous (and unnerving) ‘I could care less’ means the opposite of what many people think it does. All right, it’s time to calibrate your apathy more precisely.

Of course there are those who are reading this and saying: “Correct grammar? Important? Why, I could care less.”
Ah, but you’re wrong. And that’s why it’s important. Are you saying, “I could care less,” or, “I couldn’t care less”? The answer makes a big difference.
As one popular Facebook meme reminds us, correct grammar saves lives. It’s as important as the distinction between “Let’s eat, Grandma” and “Let’s eat Grandma.” What started as a call to a meal could end up as a cannibalistic Thanksgiving dinner. This is important stuff here, people!
But I couldn’t care less about Grandma (see what I did there?), so let’s get back to the matter at hand.
“I could care less” is a creepy little phrase that has not only slithered into our lexicon, it is actually fluffing up pillows and settling in for good unless we do something about it.
Of course, I’m up for the challenge, and my first point of attack is always my family.
My poor daughter Lily was in the passenger seat discussing how someone had received something at school that she didn’t get. When I asked her if it bothered her she said, “No, I could care less.”
I actually gasped.
“What?” she asked.
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