PR and marketing pros’ guide to press releases
In an increasingly digital world, you might think this communications tactic has gone by the wayside. One marketing pro argues that it hasn’t, if you follow these steps.

Are press releases no longer necessary?
There are tons of digital platforms that are grabbing consumers’ attention, time and money. Brand managers now use websites, blogs, social media, influencers, email and other channels to reach their target audiences.
Though press releases are no longer the main tool in many PR pros’ communications arsenals, they can still add value to your organization when used strategically.
When used properly, press releases can foster your brand identity, strengthen your image as an influential industry leader and provide an opportunity for increased interaction through links and multimedia.
Press releases might not be seen as the dominant workhorses they once were, but they can still be an effective medium to influence and inform people about your organization.
To write or not to write?
When deciding whether to write a press release, look at the big picture.
Will people find your news interesting enough to share it with others, or is it only interesting to you and your organization? Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. If your announcement doesn’t seem appealing from their point of view, hold off until you have a stronger story.
These topics can warrant a press release:
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