PR is more than just media relations
An article advising startups to delay hiring a PR team inspired this PR pro to list the many reasons why that is bad advice. Do you agree?
I’m fairly certain Sean McGinnis has an alert set up for “Things that will make Gini go ballistic.” He sends me articles all the time, and then sits back to watch.
Such is the case with “5 Most Common Startup Marketing Failures.” McGinnis said to pay close attention to the first mistake.
The first mistake a startup could make, of course, is to hire a PR team early on.
Heaven forbid you focus on your strengths and hire professionals for your weaknesses.
I certainly can keep our books up to date, but I dislike it. So, I have Kasia Kaufman, accountant extraordinaire, keep my financials in order and meet the bank’s monthly demands.
But that’s not what bothers me. If you don’t want to hire a professional to do work you’re not skilled in, that’s fine. Do-it-yourself media relations is fairly easy.
PR is more than media relations
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