PR prof: My 5 professional blunders
A candid reflection with useful lessons for any professional.
1. “This client is a jerk!”
Uh-oh, did we end the conference call connection? No.
Thankfully, the secretary was the only one still on the other end of the line. Since she was someone with whom I had developed a friendly working relationship, she laughed. I suspect her boss wouldn’t have been so amused.
Always double check that you hung up the phone before a conference call debriefs. The same goes for emails. Don’t say or write anything in an email that you wouldn’t want copied and retweeted. And be nice to everyone at an organization, from the receptionist to the cleaning lady.
2. “The cruise ship has a variety of pubic spaces.”
We meant to say public space, but spell check didn’t help us here. Proofread by reading out loud, line by line.
3. “Now calling order 96.”
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