Questions of authenticity surround the tax-cut gravy train
As top companies herald bonuses and other monetary boosts for workers in light of the huge breaks just handed them, the online pushback offers perspective—with a dose of snark.

Trickle-down economics, or cheap PR?
Such is the online debate in the wake of the largest reorganization of the tax code in 30 years.
Some high-profile corporations are crowing that they will be sharing a portion of the additional revenue with employees as a sign of good faith and a promise to more heavily invest in the U.S.
Not everyone is buying that line, however.
AT&T announced it would be investing more capital domestically and giving workers a $1,000 bonus.
“By immediately lowering the corporate tax rate to 20%, this bill will stimulate investment, job creation and economic growth in the United States,” said Randall Stephenson, AT&T Chairman and CEO.
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