Report: When to mention your brand in your content
A recent study revealed that limited mentions of the organization behind an article can increase reader time by 12 seconds and improve scrolling behaviors.

When it comes to branded content, tout your organization sparingly for the best results.
A recent Pressboard study of branded content revealed that although transparency is important, content marketers and copywriters shouldn’t cross the line into overt promotion.
After evaluating more than 300 pieces of brand content, Pressboard reported that articles in which the organization sponsoring it was mentioned in the first 100 words carried an average reading time of 56.2 seconds. That’s considerably less than the average reading time of 68.1 seconds—the benchmark for articles where the organization was mentioned after the first 300 words.
Though delaying a brand mention can increase engagement, don’t wait too long. The study showed that articles in which the organization was mentioned after the 600-word mark saw an average reading time of 66.3 seconds, proving that readership decreased with less transparency.
Proper placement for your brand mention also affects how much of the article readers will scroll through.
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