SEO for PR: 5 Facebook changes that affect search
Don’t do anything on your brand’s Facebook page until you read this story about Timeline’s impact on search engine optimization.
With the Timeline update, teams should continue to look to their Facebook page to promote website content and link popularity. The ability to draw attention to branded content remains the biggest SEO benefit Facebook has to offer.
Take note of the following changes:
No more default landing page.
This is a big change for SEO. The Default tab was a feature most SEO teams leveraged to help the page rank high in search engine results because it enabled page administrators to promote tabs with the most search-friendly copy.
Without the ability to select a search-friendly default tab, page administrators will have to rely on other SEO tactics to help push a page up in search results. Such tactics include increasing the amount of fan engagement, shares, and sites that link to the page.
You can now have a cover photo and your logo.
This is arguably the biggest change visually, and Facebook has some pretty strict guidelines regarding what can and can’t be included in the image. It being the first thing people see when they visit your page, stretch your creative muscle and consider how you can create fan engagement and feedback without violating the terms.
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