Social media news release: 5 examples to inspire you
A new study says these updated releases win three times as much coverage as their traditional counterparts. Here’s how some brands have harnessed the new tool.
Might want to consider it.
A study by RealWire found that social media news releases (SMNR) achieved three times the coverage as traditional releases. Here are the results:
Important to note: RealWire is an online service that helps companies distribute press releases.
(CEO Adam Parker, who was also mentioned in a PR Daily story yesterday, talked about the results of this study on the podcast For Immediate Release.)
A SMNR contains elements attractive to bloggers or journalists working online, such as embedded video, audio files, images, and links. They exist in a company’s online newsroom or a dedicated blog, or they’re hosted via a third-party service. You can distribute them by simply e-mailing a reporter or blogger a link to the page, or by tweeting the link.
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