Solving writing’s procrastination problem (if it’s a problem)
While one scribe provides sage step-by-step advice on sidestepping distractions, another offers up the most ‘wonderful, wonderful’ means of embracing them. That, and more.
I could be in discomfort and nothing bad would happen. In fact, the best things happen when I’m in discomfort.
That’s sometimes difficult to remember when you’re on deadline and the answer to a useless trivia question suddenly seems important. But according to Babauta, cutting off a few comforts may help you finally give up procrastination. Or procrastinate on Twitter: For the people who love it, there is no bigger distraction than Twitter. Whether it’s getting lost in links to some of your favorite web sites, trying to cram a thought into 140 characters, or discovering follow-worthy accounts, there’s plenty to keep you busy at the exact time you’re supposed to be productive. Susan Orlean, a staff writer for The New Yorker, put it this way:
It is a wonderful, wonderful way of procrastinating. It’s important … part of being a writer is good distraction.
Orlean has tweeted over 25,000 times, but she told the All Write Already podcast that blogs are not necessarily the place for writers to get started:
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