Study: 42 percent of U.S. companies in social media ‘infancy’
Only 16 percent have fully integrated social media into their marketing plans.
A new study from InSites Consulting shows American marketers are still in their infancy when it comes to integrating social media into their plans. InSites queried 400 senior marketers, 200 from the British market and 200 from the American market.
Here are some conclusions from the study:
• 42 percent of American companies are still in their infancy when integrating social media in their company.
• 16 percent of American companies have fully integrated the new media.
• 66 percent of the companies have a Facebook page, 51 percent a Twitter account, and 44 percent a company LinkedIn page
• Companies from the financial and health industry are lagging behind, while tech and telecommunications and the media sector are ahead
• The main barrier to change is the unclear financial return. This survey shows there is a positive correlation between the extent of social media integration and the financial results.
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