#TheDailySpin: Donna Karen catching flak for Haitian spring collection
Luckily, H&M has taken some of the heat off for perhaps an equally ill-conceived line. Plus, we’re winning the war against Crackberry addiction; Twitter reacts to the death of Kim Jong-Il, and meet the industry’s jolliest creative director. That, and more.
Some critics might not get to berate the latest film adaptation of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” until the movie officially hits theaters this week, but fashion critics can take their aim now. The target: H&M, which is under fire after a blogger posted an open letter to the store for glamourizing a line based on the story’s heroine, a survivor of rape and abuse.
Marketers should also capitalize on the now available contact list from Advertising Age of more than 2,000 executives at the 100 leading national advertisers.
There’s a pretty good chance that 600 of those marketing execs were arrested by the time they turned 23, at least according to a new study that found 30.2 percent of young people will be arrested by that age.
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