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Grad student and former PR Daily staffer Lindsey Miller hopes a video already going viral brews up a memorable date. Plus, where millennials dream of working, Sandusky’s awkward interview statement, and more.
After Facebook inspired an Oscar acclaimed film, authors of “The Future of Us” have a dream that lightning may again strike twice. Hailed as a page-turner’s version of “Back to the Future” meets “The Social Network,” the novel sets its main characters in 1996, when trying to install Aol, the two stumble upon the social media site, peering 15 years ahead into their future. But every time they refresh the web page, their prospective lives appear altered.
While Facebook might not be the type of fiction that interests young-adults, the demographic certainly wants to work there. According to a study by Universum, the social network placed third to Google and Apple (respectively) among companies that young professionals in the U.S. want signing their paychecks.
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