Want to feel old? Here are some surprising facts about the class of 2015
Beloit College released its annual Mindset List that takes a deeper look at this year’s crop of college freshmen, a.k.a., your co-workers in a few years.
It’s a home movie that shows my 2-year-old self clutching a sock monkey and dancing in front of our non-flat-screen TV set to the scene in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in which he sings “Twist and Shout.”
Yes, I agree—that’s strange. But, it’s not nearly as weird as the fact that Ferris Bueller could be the father of this year’s incoming class of college freshmen.
Does that make you feel old?
If not, here’s something else that might: Those youngsters have only known the band New Kids on the Block as NKOTB, which we assume means Donnie Wahlberg, to them, is the mere brother of that big-time actor Mark Wahlberg, who never—as far as they are concerned—modeled underwear and rapped.
Now do you feel old?
The Bueller and NKOTB observations are from this year’s Beloit College Mindset List, which every year analyzes the students entering its classrooms, so faculty can better understand them (and, of course, to score some press mentions).
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