5 tips for telling terrific stories with infographics

Radical thought: The best infographics come when writers and designers collaborate.

An infographic is one of the most effective weapons in your communications arsenal.

Compared with text-only posts, infographics compel readers to spend more time on the content, click links more often and retain more information.

Crafting an infographic isn’t easy, but don’t despair. You can make a high-impact infographic if you understand the components, select a useful structure and follow a collaborative process. The latest guide from Ragan Consulting Group offers five helpful tips to get you started.

  • Like every story, your infographic must have a beginning, middle and end.
  • The best infographics are built on four essential components.
  • Answer four key questions to develop your strategy.
  • Define your narrative structure to appeal to your audience.
  • Follow 10 time-tested steps for effective collaboration.

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