Your Copy of the Latest Report Courtesy of the PR Daily Leadership Network.

Just after New Year’s Day, the Twitter feed for Pabst Blue Ribbon went beyond edgy, with an NSFW tweet that shocked online audiences.

After yanking the offending posts, a company spokesperson stated: “The tweets in question were written in poor judgment by one of our associates. In no way does the content of these tweets reflect the values of Pabst and our associates.”

This illustrates a common problem for professional communicators: How much knowledge and ownership does PR have of the social media function—and how much should PR have?

The disconnects and communications gaps between PR and social media can create problems ranging from merely embarrassing to brand damaging. These gaps must be filled because social media isn’t supposed to be a siloed channel doing its own thing. It’s a vital part of communications strategy. That’s why PR pros, both in-house and in agencies, need to step up the collaboration—and take responsibility for more of the social media conversation.

To learn more, read “Closing the Gap: How separating social media and PR creates brand risk.”