3 reasons PR pros should pitch to Spanish-speaking media outlets
Don’t ignore a large and growing segment of the consumer population, one that also offers reach far beyond the borders of the United States. Here’s how you can step up.
PR knows no borders, including those of language.
If you’re working on a national-headline news story, why not add Univision’s newscast to your outreach list? If lifestyle is the coverage you seek, don’t forget Cosmo en Español.
A 2015 study revealed that the United States now has more Spanish speakers than Spain and in the next 30 years, it will become the largest Spanish-speaking nation on Earth. Chances are that for every media outlet you have on your pitch list, there’s another in Spanish that’s never heard from you.
Here are three reasons your PR strategy should include members of Spanish news media outlets:
1. The opportunities are huge.
The Hispanic market is often perceived as minor in mainstream media outlets, but the latest census indicates that one in every five U.S. residents is Hispanic. By 2050, that number is expected to become one in every three.
PR is about getting ahead of the trends, so why not be proactive about reaching this demographic?
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