How brand managers can make an impact with contributed content
Though many publications are ditching op-ed programs for sponsorship models, you can still find those that will run well-written pieces. Follow these tips.

Contributed articles have long been a staple in an effective PR plan. They establish your brand as an expert on a topic and fall under earned media, meaning the only cost is placing and writing the piece.
Yet, as publications shift to more of a paid model in many cases, are the opportunities to contribute guest posts and articles dwindling?
Some publications no longer accept any contributed articles. “Huffington Post, for example, shut down its op-ed section entirely,” says Natalie Stezovsky, vice president of Influence & Co. “Forbes has moved away from one-off contributors and just has their columns or councils that you have to be accepted into. Some require a paid membership.”
As publishers shift to paid models, sponsorship packages can bring in more dollars than unpaid contributions. However, many publications continue to welcome contributed content.
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