Colonel Christine M. Houser

Colonel Christine M. Houser

Commanding Officer - MCAS Camp Pendleton

Colonel Houser is a native of Garden City, New York. She graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 2001 and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics.

After graduating from flight school in August 2003, she was designated a Naval Flight Officer from VT-86 in Pensacola, FL. Upon completion of the FRS with VMFAT-101 ”Sharpshooters” in Miramar, CA in the F/A-18 Hornet, she reported to VMFA(AW)-332 “Moonlighters” in Beaufort, SC from 2004-2007. During this tour she deployed to Al Asad, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, followed by a second deployment to Fallujah, Iraq with IIMEF as the OPSEC Officer and Iraqi Women’s Engagement Officer.

Colonel Houser was then assigned to VMFA(AW)-121 “Green Knights” in Miramar, CA from 2007-2010. Here she graduated from the MAWTS-1 Weapons and Tactics Instructor course and was designated a WTI. During this tour, she deployed to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan twice for Unit Deployment Program (UDP) and served as the Assistant Maintenance Officer, Training Officer, and Weapons and Tactics Instructor Officer.

Colonel Houser then reported to Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) 372 “Diamondbacks” in Camp Pendleton, CA from 2010-2012 and served as the Airfield Operations Company Commander and Operations Officer.

Following this tour, she deployed immediately with 3MAW in 2012 as the Fixed Wing Tasker in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. Following the deployment she joined VMFA(AW)-225 “Vikings” from 2013-2015 and completed two deployments to Bahrain and Japan. During this tour, she served as the Academics Officer and Operations Officer.

Colonel Houser then proceeded to joint duty at United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) in Omaha, NE from 2015-2018. She served as the Joint Fires Element Operations Officer, J3N Executive Assistant Officer and Joint Fires Element Plans Branch Chief. While here, she completed Joint Professional Military Education II and was designated a Joint Duty Qualified Officer.

From 2018-2020 she was assigned to Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific (EWTGPAC) as the N35 Tactical Aviation Division Head in charge of Tactical Air Control Party and Joint Fires Observer courses and achieved the designation as a Joint Tactical Air Controller, Joint Tactical Air Controller Evaluator and Joint Tactical Air Controller Instructor. During her time onboard, she was able to graduate from the Naval Post Graduate School Distance Learning program with a Master of Science degree in Systems Analysis.

Throughout her career Colonel Houser has actively participated in multiple All Armed Forces athletic programs. She has participated in the All-Marine’s Basketball Team three times, All Armed Forces Basketball Team once, All Marine Triathlon team twice, won the Armed Forces Female Master’s division for the All-Marine Triathlon Team and competed in the All-Armed Forces Triathlon Team recently in May 2023 in France. In 2011 she was recognized as the Marine Corps Female Athlete of the Year.

Colonel Houser held command of Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron Miramar from 21 May 2020- 28 July 2022. Post command she took over as the Marine Corps Air Station Executive Officer until 5 June 2023 and checked into Third Fleet as the Fleet Marine Officer (FMO) until assuming command at MCAS Camp Pendleton 13 June 2024.

Colonel Houser has accumulated over 1930 hours in the F-18 and her designations include Weapons Tactics Instructor, Air Mission Commander, Flight Lead Standardization Evaluator, and Forward Air Controller (Airborne) as well as over 2400 flight hours. Her personal decorations include the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (Gold Star in lieu of second award), Air Medal Strike Flight Numeral six, Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Gold Star in lieu of second award), Joint Service Achievement Medal and the Navy Achievement Medal (Gold Star in lieu of second award).