Use these 3 concepts for better AI prompts
Including sample prompts.

Unlocking the full potential of generative AI requires crafting precise prompts that clearly communicate what you actually want.
Yumi Wilson, a professor at San Francisco State University, recently shared best practices for prompt writing during a Ragan virtual conference on AI. Clearly and specifically stating, “Here’s what I want” leads to better AI results, she said.
During her presentation, Wilson advocated for the CTC framework, one of several popular methods for adding specificity to AI-generated content.
While Wilson did not create the framework, she has seen significant improvements in AI-generated content by applying it.
“The key is to use all three,” she said. “Provide a little background, state what you want it to do, and specify length and tone – all in one prompt.”
During her presentation, Wilson shared real-world examples to illustrate the impact of well-structured prompts. Here’s an example of an effective prompt for a LinkedIn post announcing a new executive officer:
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