Why PR and content marketing make the perfect match
These communications roles aren’t mutually exclusive. Instead of deciding between one or the other, consider combining them to further boost your brand and achieve your goals.

You want to build trust with your audience and increase brand awareness.
Is it time to increase your PR budget, or would content marketing be a better investment?
That’s a trick question: The answer is both.
PR and content marketing work best when they’re working together. Because the terms “public relations” and “content marketing” can drum up about 100 different definitions and opinions on the tactics they involve, let’s quickly define what we’re discussing before we go further.
Public relations is the practice of getting others to write about your company, your leaders, or your products and services in a positive light. Content marketing is the practice of producing content (written, visual, video, audio, etc.) coming from experts within your company that educates and engages a specific audience and distributing that content to that audience.
Unfortunately, too many marketers focus on one over the other—frequently PR instead of content marketing. Reasons vary, but often it’s because content marketing is much more time-intensive and requires more ongoing involvement from various team members.
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