The Daily Scoop: Abercrombie & Fitch distance themselves from ex-CEO after sex scandal investigation 

Plus: Amazon responds to spammy email error, Taco Bell hopes to make breakfast cool. 

Facade of Abercrombie & Fitch retail store. The American clothing brand's ex-CEO is facing sexual abuse allegations.


“I was not human to any of those people. I was a body. … What happened to me changed my life, and not for the better.” 

Former Abercrombie & Fitch model Barrett Pall spoke in a 58-second clip on Panorama in “Abercrombie & Fitch – The Dark Side of Cool,” Yahoo News reported. 

Pall and other men spoke out about how ex-A&F CEO Mike Jeffries and his partner, Matthew Smith, allegedly recruited them for demeaning and exploitive acts for sex shows worldwide between 2009 and 2015, per the BBC. The show stems from a two-year BBC investigation 

Jeffries stepped down as CEO in 2014 due to declining sales. 

A&F, which operates 850 stores around the world, told the BBC that the company’s present executive leadership team and board of directors were unaware of the sexual misconduct allegations. 

They also are in touch with an outside law firm to “conduct an independent investigation,” the BBC reported. 

James Jacobson, an alleged sex event recruiter for Jeffries and Smith, told the BBC that nothing wrong happened at the events and the men attended “with their eyes wide open.” 

Why it matters 

While Abercrombie & Fitch and Jeffries parted ways years earlier, the brand’s reputation could still be heavily impacted negatively by public opinion over these scandalous and damaging allegations.  

A&F is carefully distancing themselves as much as possible from Jeffries to portray the company in a new light with new leadership. 

A&F was transparent in the BBC investigative article and said that its modern-day founder’s alleged behavior is not what the company condones or tolerates. 

They were clear to state how they were “appalled and disgusted” by Jeffries’ alleged actions. And they were clear to underscore the fact that their new leadership is against any form of sexual abuse or similar misconduct. 

“(We) have zero tolerance for abuse, harassment or discrimination of any kind,” they told BBC. 

These present-day reminders are important for the brand to let their stakeholders know that they are removed from Jeffries’ reported negative influence. That’s important.  

A tarnished brand is not always easy to bounce back from. 

Continue to send key messages to stakeholders about where your brand stands during swirling allegations that even indirectly impact you. Telling people what your values are during times of crisis and distancing your brand from key figures embroiled in controversy helps a brand stay above board. 


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Sherri Kolade is a writer at PR Daily. When she is not with her family, she enjoys watching old films, reading and building an authentically curated life. This includes, more than occasionally, finding something deliciously fried. Follow her on LinkedIn. Have a great PR story idea? Email her at


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